's Customer Care Department wants to make sure you're finding everything you're searching for
when you use our directory.
We work really hard and are proud of our track record of having the easiest-to-use and most complete Pet Professionals Directory anywhere.
One of the things we've done to make sure you find what you're looking for is to put a Customer Care link at the bottom of every search page. When you
search for something at, you'll notice a yellow box at the bottom the page that says "Did you find what you were looking for? If not, Click here!"
When you click on that link, you're taken to a Customer Care form that gets submitted to our Customer Care Department.
Once we receive your request, we go to work seeing if what you're searching for can be found either on our site or
elsewhere. We'll let you know right away what the results are so you're not left waiting and wondering.
Hope you're able to find all that you're looking for, but if you can't or need something else, we are always glad to help. Just CLICK HERE!