Category Archives: Weigh In

VL Business Tips: How to motivate your team (and yourself) to achieve much more

What is motivation? Pick up any dictionary and look up the word motivation.  Chances are you’ll see the meaning of motivation is a need or desire that compels a person to act. The term has originated from a Latin word “motus” which means “motion”. Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior. So why is it that the subject of motivation is such a hot topic in business management? Business literature is packed with advice about personal and team motivation.  In fact the phrase ‘get motivated‘ is searched in Google over 1,000 times … Continue reading

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Weigh In: How do you feel about Bayer selling Advantage and Advantix directly to stores?

In case you haven’t heard, Bayer, the maker of Advange and Advantix, has begun selling their prescription chemical flea and tick control products to pet stores. This flies in the face of their former policy, which was in effect for many years, of selling these potent chemical insecticides only through veterinarians. This move by Bayer is even more interesting because of the recent announcement by the EPA that it is receiving reports of increased number of reactions to chemical flea and tick insecticidal products. We’ve put together a short survey about this move by Bayer … Continue reading

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