In this Newsletter:

  1. Introduction Greetings!

  2. Pet News: China Quietly Muscles In on the Organic Food Market  

  3. Pet News: Reversible contraceptive to spare dogs the snip  

  4. Pet News: Does Your Pet Need Sunscreen?  

  5. Weird Pet News: More urban, suburban residents buying pet chickens  

  6. HELP THESE PET OWNERS: This week's requests for help  

  7. Video of the Week: Childproof Drawer  

  8. Advertisers: Deals and Specials  

Weekly News

Greetings! We have some tasty news for you this week, from news that China has been producing some of our "organic" food, to news of a new, reversible contraceptive for animals, to chickens as the new 'in' pet to have and an answer to the question "Does your pet need sunscreen?".

By now you've probably heard of the recall of four Natural Balance canned pet food products, co-packed by Castleberry Foods for Natural Balance that have been recalled due to a botulism scare. Thus far only humans have been sickened by Castleberry food products, but the recall was expanded as a precautionary measure, so please be on the alert.

Our Video this week is called Childproof Drawer. One smart dog and one giggling toddler make it one you'll enjoy watching.

- Adam

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New York Sun

China Quietly Muscles In on the Organic Food Market

While this is not technically recall news OR pet news, it is news that all of us should be aware of. Many of the items being sold as 'organic', have, in fact, been imported from China.

Click here to read the full story, Incorporated

UK Telegraph

Reversible contraceptive to spare dogs the snip

Last week a pet owner asked our customer care department if we knew of an oral contraceptive for cats. When we replied no he said - "Well here's a million dollar idea for you!". Imagine our interest when we ran across this story......

Click HERE to read the story


Fox News

Does Your Pet Need Sunscreen?

During the intense summer sun and heat, most of us wouldn't dream of going out without our sunscreen. Have you ever wondered whether your pet might also need some sun protection on its skin?

You can find the answers to this and other helpful summer pet tips in this article.

Click here to read the full story

Dog Obedience Training Secrets to STOP Your Dog’s Behavior Problems!
"Put an End to the Stress and Annoyance of Your Dog Behavior Problems! ...AND Slash Your Dog Obedience Training Time in Half by Using Techniques That Give You Immediate Results!!"Click Here!

More urban, suburban residents buying pet chickens

A growing number of urban and suburban families keeping chickens in their backyards. And while they don't cuddle like kittens or play like puppies, owners say the birds offer a soothing presence and an endless supply of organic eggs.

Click here to read the story.

Cat Problems? You Won't After Reading This Groundbreaking Book!
Solve Your Litter Box, House-Soiling And Feline Aggression Problems Now!
Click Here!


This week's requests for help

These pet health questions are answered in our "Ask A Pet Pro" blog. To see the answers to the questions, click on the link under the question.

  • German Shephard with Tongue Lesion

    I have a 3 yr old German Shepherd with a vascular lesion under her tongue. I need a good vet in my area as the one I go to doesn't seem to care to touch it. He wants us to go to Ohio State and we can't afford it.

    Could you please tell us what we should do?

    View this blog

  • Terrier with eating problems

    We have a soft-coated wheaten terrier. About every three to four months she stops eating. Our veterinarian has done an endoscopy, blood tests, and no real diagnosis. Endoscopy showed indentations in the stomach lining (I guess like little ulcers) and x-rays indicated a cloudy look for her stomach. Only two anitibiotics, carafate, and pepcid AC seem to get her over each episode.

    I am wondering if Acidopholis would be of any help? She weighs about 25-28 lbs. If it would, what dosage?

    Would human probiotics be good for her, if so, what amounts?

    Thank You for any help you can give.

    View this blog

  • Need help for an Allergic Jack Russell

    What can I do for my Jack Russell Terrier? He suffers from so may allergies. I have spent over $1900 in vet bills and still no resolve.


    View this blog


Childproof Drawer

A charming video to watch.


Click here to see the video


Specials and Great Deals

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Tiger Direct Electronics has some pretty incredible deals. I just checked out their deal of the day and was pretty impressed!
SpectronIQ - PDV-768 - 7-Inch Dual Screen Portable DVD Player $99.99 (US)


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Pet Owner Successes

Last week over 8,500 searches were made through our directories.

Here are just a few of the many responses we receive each week from pet owners across the US:

"I wanted to thank your Customer Care department for their help in locating a holistic vet. I went from not being able to find anyone to locating 3 to choose from.


UC, Woodland Hills, CA

"I was seeking advice on a recurring health problem with our Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. I received an answer from a Dr. T. located in Dunedin near our area and I'm making plans to visit the facility. Thank you for your help!" .

Heidi, FL

"Thank you very much for your concern and your assistance. I appreciate all you've done for me."

MG, New Jersey

  • Ask A Pet Pro Blog has some new posts. Check it out

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