Pet News From
July 5, 2006
Published monthly by
The Largest Directory of Pet Professionals and Pet Resources Anywhere,
In one place
In this edition:
1. Welcome!
2. Animal Health News
3. Pet tips
4. A Pet Story - Knowing Pet CPR can save a life
5. Success Story
6. Some great offers
7. Feedback
1. WELCOME to the July issue of Vets-n-Pets-n-Stuff,'s
newsletter for Pet Lovers and their Pets
We begin with a short article regarding a shelter swamped with
unclaimed animals that arrived there after severe weather that are now
sitting there unclaimed because many of the pets have no id.
Next is our Pet Tips section with some timely tips for summer, fleas and
keeping your carpet smelling sweet after an 'accident'.
Our Pet Story of the Month is about a pet owner who saved his dog's life
by knowing and using Pet CPR, and a link to an article from our library
so that you can have this life saving technique on hand should you ever
need it.
Some excellent money saving offers are included this month for you to take
advantage of and finally there is our feedback department where we ask you
to tell us what you are concerned about.
Have an amazing July,
Adam Ferguson
2. Animal Health News:
This month we've included a summary of an article
that appeared in a newspaper in Alberta Canada. It was chosen because
it highlights a problem that is happening across the US.
"Animal shelter swamped with pets
Officials urge people to claim cats and dogs"
The city's animal shelter is now inundated with the highest number of cats and
dogs it's ever seen at one time. Because claiming a pet can cost several hundred
dollars in fines Bill Bruce, the city's animal services head, feel that's why
some people are reluctant to claim their pets.
He suspects the recent thunderstorm may have sent some frightened animals to the
streets and ultimately to the shelter. More than half the animals found had no
identification but are obviously someone's pet......................
Although this is a very short article, it is similar to dozens you can
find in almost any area of the US right now. The point - if you do not
have identification on your pet, please take the time to do so
NOW. Storms, fireworks and summer travel increase the opportunities
for your pet going missing. Your chances of getting your pet back
quickly and safely go way up when they have proper identification.
You can go to your local pet store to order a tag, or get one online
from our sponsor. If you live in an area that is subject to violent
summer storms, it is also wise to have an evacuation plan in place
that includes taking care of your animals, should you need to leave your
home quickly. You can read a good article on this in the
resource library by clicking HERE.
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3. Pet Tips:A Hot Tip to Keep Your Dog Cool
It's summer and hot in most areas of the country. Remember that you shouldexercise your dog in the cool of the early morning or evening-never whenit's especially hot or humid. If you think your pet may have become overheated,check out the article: First Aid That Can Save Your Pet's Life and keep a copy handy.Pet Carpet Accident SolutionPets peeing on the carpet? One simple solution is to generously douse thearea with baking soda, let dry and then vacuum up. The baking soda willnot only take out the stain, but also the odor.A Tip For Getting Rid of FleasFleas spend most of their time in your furnishings and only hop onto yourpet or you for their next meal. Vacuuming daily is important. Also make sureto wash your pet’s bedding regularly because no flea ever survived a hotwash cycle. If you add a small amount of eucalyptus oil to the final rinseit can kill up to 99% of house dust mites (this is according to researchdone by the University of Sydney, Australia).If you have a favorite pet tip, please share it with everyone. Send itto
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Do you have cat problems? Get this book..........
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4. A Pet Story - Quick-thinking owner saves his dog using Pet CPRBY EDWARD STONERReprinted from the Colorado Newspaper,Eagle County CorrespondentJune 18, 2006VAIL - A Sunday stroll for Dave Karli and his dog Jack quickly turned into aserious situation. Karli and Jack were walking near their home in Edwardslast month while a father and son were playing catch with a baseball nearby.Jack, a Weimaraner mix, went to get some baseballs that were lying on the groundand tried to get several in his mouth. One went down his throat and got stuckin his airway. Karli quickly realized his dog couldn't breathe, and therewasn't enough time to call a vet. Jack started turning blue.Karli, a physician at the Steadman-Hawkins Clinic in Vail, reached his handdown Jack's throat to try to clear his airway. I just kind of reacted," Karli said."I didn't really have a whole lot of time to think about it."Jack didn't like the fact that his owner was reaching down his throat, and bitKarli's arm. But Karli managed to remove the ball from Jack's airway.After the ball was removed, Jack remained passed out. Karli did CPR on his dogfor about 15 to 20 seconds until Jack regained consciousness."Another 20 or 30 seconds and he probably wouldn't have made it," Karli said.Jack was dazed for a minute or two, but quickly recovered, Karli said. Several weeksafter the incident the dog seems to be doing well, Karli said. Karli consulted avet, who said the dog should be all right.Note** If you would like to learn about pet cpr, please visit our Emergenciespage or click on this link:
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5. Success!
We regularly get emails from people after they'vevisited us and used our directory or experienced our famous CustomerCare Service for pet owners (If you don't know about our Customer Care Service,click on this link is a recent success from a pet owner in Camilla Georgia:
"I would just like to say thank you for helping me find the right vet for my dog!!I'm glad you did and I am also glad you are helping others the way you do. You area very special person for helping animals and their loved ones. Thanks, R.H."
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7. Feedback: Please let us know how you like ournewsletter and any comments or suggestions you have for making it better.Have you used our directory? Please write us and let us know how you likedit and whether you were successful in finding the right pet professional foryour pet. We want to hear from you! Write to me directly:abferguson@vetlocator.comMay you and your pets enjoy a wonderful month.With Warmest Regards,Adam
About, the largest directory of pet professionals and
pet resources online. contains listings of over 66,000 pet
professionals in an easy to use search format. You can search by service,
location, type of animal, vet or professionals last name. Service covered
include veterinarians, holistic and alternative pet health services, chiropractors
Chinese medicine specialists, therapists, dentists, groomers, trainers
boarding facilities and kennels, We also have an extensive listing of 24 hour
emergency pet hospitals across the US and a resource library full of pet
health articles.
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Copyright 2006, Pet Professionals Directory.
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