The Kansas City Channel
Human Drug Now Helping Dogs With Dementia
HAZELWOOD, Mo. -- A drug commonly prescribed for humans with Parkinson's or Alzheimer's diseases is now showing success in pets with signs of dementia.
The drug is called Eldepryl for humans, but Anipryl for dogs. It's a relatively new treatment for older canines.
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California County plans to use animal DNA to nail criminals
Santa Ana, CA -- August 21, 2006 -- Think of it as "C-S-I" meets Animal Planet.
California Orange County law enforcement officials say they hope to start using DNA from pets and other animals as forensic evidence in criminal investigations.
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Denver Channel
Cat loses nose and tail in lightning strike
August 22, 2006 -- Denver, CO -- A lucky feline may have eight lives left but he lost his nose and his tail during a recent run-in with lightning, according to a Salida, CO couple. They noticed their cat was having some difficulties, so they took him to their veterinarian. They did not expect to hear what their vet had to say.....
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By Leslie Griffy, MEDIANEWS
Leash: $5; pet rent: $30; keeping Fido: Priceless
San Francisco, CA -- August 21, 2006 -- Want to have a luxury apartment and a pet? That used to be a challenge, but not anymore — at least not for folks willing to pay extra.
"Pet rent," long established in other parts of the country, is a growing trend in the California Bay Area.
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Bion Environmental Technologies
Animal waste energy facilities
Aug 23, 2006 -- As the world searches for renewable energy resources, many eyes are turning to reusing animal waste products as a viable solution. Read about several projects underway to accomplish this goal.
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Woman sees Virgin Mary on pet turtle
August 25, 2006 -- Chicago --The Virgin Mary has made another appearance, this time on a Chicago woman's pet turtle.
Shirley McVane believes her pet turtle, Mary, has the image of the Virgin Mary silhouetted on its belly.
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