Daily Paws

Pet news, tips, entertainment and opinions from VetLocator.com

Archive for September, 2013

Tell Us About Your Veterinarian!

Monday, September 30th, 2013

VetLocator has thousands of veterinarians and pet health specialists in our directories and monthly we have thousands of pet owners visiting our site looking for that special someone to help their pet.

So we want to ask you, do you have a special ‘someone’ in your life who helps keep your pets feeling tip top healthy?  If you’ve found the perfect vet, just what is it that makes him or her perfect? If you’re still seeking that special someone, just what exactly is it you’re looking for?

As our pets become more family members than mere animals that share our homes, the choice for caring for their health becomes more important and its not now just about where the closest vet is located.

So we’re asking you, if you’ve found the perfect vet, just what is it that makes him or her perfect? And if you’re still seeking that special someone, just what exactly is it you’re looking for?

What’s important? Is it where they went to school? Is it a friendly staff, reasonable rates? Is it how quickly you can make an appointment or how long you spend in the waiting room? Is it bedside manner, how much empathy, or compassion a vet exudes? Is it how clearly that vet can communicate? Whether they honor your pet insurance? Is it how the vet connects with you, how the vet connects with your dog, or both?

We want to know what is (or was) the single most important factor in your choice of veterinarian, and how you found the one (if you have) that you can’t imagine ever leaving.

Daily Paws Picture of the Day: Little Pink Puppy Paws.

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Daily Paws for

Little pink puppy paws

Cockatiel sings to Bunny

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Cockatiel serenading to Bunny:

Hey Soul Sister – Train
Go Go power Rangers
Star Wars
Beat Boxing

Daily Paws Picture of the Day: Cuteness Overload Fluff!

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Daily Paws for

cuteness overlaod fluff

Baby Elephant Cries after being Rejected by his Mother

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Little Zhuangzhuang cried for hours after his own mother rejected him and tried to stomp him to death.



An employee at the Shendiaoshan wild animal reserve in Rong-cheng, China, rescued and adopted him.


Zhuangzhuang has since recovered from his sad ordeal and has reportedly been making good progress.


Daily Paws Picture of the Day: Happy, Stylish and Adorable!

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Daily Paws for

Happy, stylish, adorable

Daily Paws Picture of the Day: Heart Shaped Puppies!

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Daily Paws for Heart shaped puppies


Daily Paws Picture of the Day: Dynamic Duo.

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Daily Paws for

Dynamic Duo

Nimbus the Dog meets Poki the Hedgehog

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Three Legged Kitty Wears Tiny Paper Hats

Thursday, September 12th, 2013















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