Although it is something I’d not specifically heard before, I am not surprised at this statement. It comes to us from VPI – Veterinary Pet Insurance who have been keeping statistics on our pets for many years.
They track which animals are prone to what types of injuries, illnesses and conditions and based on the type of breed, age and sex, can predict what illnesses your pet will be prone to.
To sum things up, pure bred dogs (and cats) have many more problems than mixed breeds. For example:
“A Golden Retriever is prone to hip dysplasia. It is more common in a Golden Retriever than a Labrador. German shepherds are even more prone than Golden Retrievers.”
Although insurance companies are skilled at predicting veterinary costs, they can’t factor into their numbers what a pet owner can do.
Example, preventing pet injury by securing your pets when you drive with them is an easy thing you can do to help keep them safe (and when you are driving – a pet on the loose can be a driving hazard to you too).
Pet owners who stay alert to changes in their pet’s behavior, appearance and who take care in what they feed can keep vet bills down by preventing or lessening health problems.
Also doing a little breed research on health problems that are typical for that breed will let you know what to be alert for if you choose one of these as a new pet.
Below is a chart from VPI on the most common pet medical conditions owners are making insurance claims for.
Top 10 pet medical conditions
Dogs | Cats | Exotics |
1. Ear Infection | 1. Lower Urinary Tract Disease | 1. Bowel obstruction |
2. Skin Allergy | 2. Gastritis/Vomiting | 2. Gastritis/Vomiting |
3. Skin Infection/Hot Spots | 3. Chronic Renal Failure | 3. Bladder Infection |
4. Gastritis/Vomiting | 4. Hyperthyroidism | 4. Upper Respiratory Infection |
5. Enteritis/Diarrhea | 5. Diabetes | 5. Eye Infection |
6. Arthritis | 6. Enteritis/Diarrhea | 6. Cancerous Tumor Requiring Surgery |
7. Bladder Infection | 7. Skin Allergy | 7. Arthritis |
8. Soft Tissue Trauma | 8. Periodontitis/Dental Disease | 8. Skin Inflammation |
9. Non-cancerous Tumor | 9. Ear Infection | 9. Skin Abscess or Pressure Ulcer |
10. Hypothyroidism | 10. Upper Respiratory Infection | 10. Inflammation of Hair Follicles |
Source: Veterinary Pet Insurance Co., 2010 data |
Do you have pet health questions you want answers for? Contact one of the vets in our directory or post your question in Ask A Pet Pro.

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